Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Solar Panel Black Market

An interesting story in the NYT...
Solar power, with its promise of emissions-free renewable energy, boasts a growing number of fans. Some of them, it turns out, are thieves...

Just ask Glenda Hoffman, whose fury has not abated since 16 solar panels vanished from her roof in this sun-baked town in three separate burglaries in May, sometimes as she slept. She is ready if the criminals turn up again.

“I have a shotgun right next to the bed and a .22 under my pillow,” Ms. Hoffman said.

Police departments in California — the biggest market for solar power, with more than 33,000 installations — are seeing a rash of such burglaries, though nobody compiles overall statistics.

Assuming that installations go up, this is probably going to become a much bigger problem. Which is why this graf at the end of the story caught my eye:

In Europe, where the solar industry is well-established, thievery is entrenched, and measures to ward it off have become standard, including alarm systems and hard-to-unscrew panels.
I'd be interested to see more info about this, I'm sure our European friends could teach us a few things about busting solar panel rings.

And does this mean that one of the green jobs we keep talking about will be solar theft detective?

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